Home > Supply information list > Abrasives supplier glass beads sand 60# for cleaning of automobile tire mold

Abrasives supplier glass beads sand 60# for cleaning of automobile tire mold PV:2937

  • Category:Glass Bead


    Packaging:Bag Package/Small Bag Package

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Abrasives supplier glass beads sand 60# for cleaning of automobile tire mold

1).Glass beads of low index of refraction are used in road marking. At night, as the vehicles’ headlight beam hits the painted line with glass beads, the beads act as tiny mirrors
reflecting the beam back to the driver’s eyes .Hence guiding him to drive safely. On road marking, NO.1 products are usually used. In mixed use of the different size of the beads, when big beads which are normally on the top are worn out, small beads will come out, thus maintaining the brightness of reflection.

2)Metal cleaning and polishing. Soda-lime glass beads have very stable chemical characteristics and mechanical strength and hardness, so compared with other grinding materials,glass beads have more advantages as follows:

A:Longer life than any other mediums, except metal.

B:No contamination to the processed metal.

C:Quick recovery of its original cleanness and brightness.

D:Quick cleaning while keeping the original processing tolerance.


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